Hello Lobit Lovers
Welcome to the official website of the LOBIT Music Festival!
A festive celebration of world wide music & art in a Lobit rate, held in the wonderful town of Lobith, the Netherlands.
we promise you entertainment for the whole family, with a amazing, divers program of only
the best international Lobit artists + some fine obscure acts too!
Music, rock, techno, soundart, poetry, home baked cookies and a blowup castle for the kids, we will supply all!
If that’s not enough: this festival will be completely FREE to attend!
LOBIT music Festival
location: Lobith, The Netherlands.
date: Mystery date _**_**_ 2012
artists line up: confirmed for now::
-C4 (us)
-SASCHA MULLER (germany)
-JJOTH (ukraine)
-D0X10 (finland)
-HLO (us)
-COVOLUX (holland)
-THE PINK BLOB (mexico)
-HRTZCANARY (antarctica)
-Obsolète Broadcast Système (canada)
-VZIEL (ukraine)
-POLLUX (france)
& many Many More….
Festival description:
Martin L King had a dream but Tibol had one dream too; the realisation of a true Lobit music festival featuring a variety of great known and lesser known international lobit artists from all over the globe. to come together, have fun, and perform their art/music/poetry/sounds how they want it to a small but interested crowd.
Today we finally got the money and the time together to organize this joyful event.
The festival will be held in the village Lobith in The Netherlands, close near the german border with lots of water surrounding it. The performances will be held in some secret locations in and around Lobith. We will keep you up to date where to catch your favorite act or lobit artists.Live Streaming / or on demand listening of the festival:
The LOBIT Music Festival will be available as a live stream on Tibol Lobit Radio.
and also as a down-loadable release on archive.org with the help of Sirona Records.
So if you are not able to make your way to the wonderful village of Lobith
for some crazy wacky reason, you are not going to miss out on these wonderful lobit sounds created by your favorite lobit artists..
Mystery Date:
The festival will be held at a mystery date. please keep an eye to this website. and keep your agenda free somewhere at the beginning of the year 2012!
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